FALL – Juniors

In the FALL our training shifts focus to improving the execution of each Beach Volleyball skill.  This is when we correct bad habits that snuck in during competition season & retrain athletes so they execute proper BEACH volleyball form.

Juniors @ 3C (Mondays OR Wednesdays)

MONDAY (6:00-7:30pm) 

  • Starts MON 9/23
  • Ends MON 11/25 (barring rain outs) 
  • 10 practices = $400 + 1 FREE 3C Juniors shirt
  • Athletes are separated into practice groups/courts by skill and age.

WEDNESDAY (6:00-7:30pm) 

  • Starts WED 9/25
  • Ends WED 11/27 (barring rain outs) 
  • 10 practices = $400 + 1 FREE 3C Juniors shirt
  • Athletes are separated into practice groups/courts by skill and age.

    Juniors @ THE HANGAR (Sundays)

    SUNDAY (1:00 – 2:30 PM) 

    • Starts SUN 9/22
    • Ends SUN 11/24 (Courts at The Hangar are covered) 
    • 10 practices = $400 + 1 FREE 3C Juniors shirt
    • Athletes are separated into practice groups/courts by skill and age.

      A completed 2024 Medical Release Form/Waiver is required prior to any athlete participating in practice.  No exceptions.

      WINTER – Juniors

      In the WINTER we focus on the proper execution of skills,
      in addition to working on overall fitness, agility and stamina.  That unique combination prepares athletes mentally as well as physically, for competition in the spring & summer.

      SPRING – Juniors

      In the SPRING, athletes gain real-time game experience while focusing on competition. 

      SUMMER – Juniors

      In the SUMMER after gaining valuable game time experience, athletes not only continue to improve skills and compete in local and state tournaments but also have the opportunity to Qualify for National Tournaments from California to Florida.


      THIRD COAST JUNIORS GEAR.  includes;  sports bras, backpacks, Lululemon tanks, performance shirts, hoodies, Performance shirts, tank tops, Sand Socks & Wilson AVP Game Balls.

      LIFESTYLE SPORT.  One of the best parts of Beach Volleyball
      is that it is a ‘Lifestyle Sport’.  Meaning we will not only be teaching your Junior proper skills & techniques, but also how
      to be a ‘good sport’ (win or lose) and take responsibility & care
      of themselves on and off the court.  We know it gets hot in Houston and as such we feel it is our duty to teach your Junior how to manage that aspect of the game safely.  We will stress
      the importance of; hydrating with water, Gatorade, coconut
      water not only during a practice but earlier in the day on practice days, proper food, taking plenty of breaks, knowing the signs
      that the body may be starting to overheat, as well as the great importance of wearing sunscreen & sunglasses.   A healthy
      Junior is a happy Junior (and happy Mom & Dad)!

      CANCELLED PRACTICES.  Practices cancelled due to weather
      will be rescheduled.  See the current program registration form for rain out policies.

      As you know sometimes it is hard to gauge Houston weather,
      not only day to day, but hour to hour.  Our goal is to not cancel practice in order for your Junior to receive all of their time in
      the sand as originally scheduled. 

      With regards to cancelling practice, the general rule is we will make the determination at least two hours in advance.  BUT, there will be times when the weather changes mid-practice or fewer than 2 hours in advance that may require cancellation. 
      At all times, we promise to make ‘the call’ as early as possible.

      PAYMENT.  Partial or full payment is due at the time of registration.   If this causes a hardship please let us know and
      we will work with you.   

      From time to time athletes end up attending more practices
      than were originally registered for.  In that case, payment for
      the extra practice(s) is due immediately.  Athletes are not permitted to attend practices with a past due balance.  

      OPEN PLAY.  Open Play is FREE for Third Coast Juniors and
      a friend! 
      During certain Open Play days/nights, court space is reserved specifically for Juniors.  This offers additional ‘sand
      time’ to OUR Juniors, so they can enjoy the game during unstructured play. 

      LESSONS.  In addition to our Training Programs, private and
      semi-private (‘team’) lessons are available to Third Coast Juniors.




      Head Coach – Cameron Sitler

      Third Coast | Events & Juniors – Kimberlee DeMarco