

…for little humans! 

BEACH TRAINING specifically designed for little humans 8-11yo.  

THIRD COAST LITTLES is the perfect Beach program for young
& inexperienced BOYS & GIRLS not quite ready for the next level
of training offered in THIRD COAST JUNIORS.

The goal of THIRD COAST LITTLES is to establish a solid foundation and basic understanding of Beach Volleyball
that young players can build on as they grow.  In addition, we actively practice good sportsmanship.  (You’re welcome!)

Littles Coaches use creative & fun methods to help little players develop proper form for all skills from the VERY beginning, improve skills they may be familiar with, and help improve overall conditioning.

Your Third Coast Little will be a happy, tired & sandy little camper at the end of every practice!!

 DROP-IN at a PRACTICE…..or two or three!

  • Check out the first practice for FREE!
  • Drop-in for individual practices or sign up for the Half/Full program.
  • Drop-In Registration required AT LEAST 24 hours in advance.

 Little Things for Littles’ Moms & Dads to PLEASE Keep in Mind...

  • PLAY TIMESome time is intentionally ‘set’ aside (pun intended)
    at the end of each practice to allow kids time to just play.  We
    believe that unstructured play time at the end of each practice
    is almost as important as what is covered the rest of the time.
    That is when they feel free to just be….
  • CODE OF CONDUCTWe realize LITTLES practice might be the first organized activity your little person has ever participated
    in.  That is OK!  Learning to be a good sport, waiting your turn, listening, asking questions, and exercising patience (at any age!) are all good things.  With that said, we expect Littles to act like
    little ladies & gentlemen during practice.
    The following behaviors will NOT be permitted or tolerated during practice:  hitting, kicking, not listening to coach, throwing balls, screaming, hair-pulling, name-calling, stomping off the court, disrupting practice and all other forms of general foolishness. 
  • We respect your time, money & energy and appreciate the
    effort it takes to get your child to practice.  Therefore, we will
    not allow any child to be disruptive to the point others are not able to learn.  Littles’ families will receive a Consequence Sheet outlining behaviors & their consequence.  We want you & your child to fully understand what is expected during practice.
  • ‘Meltdowns’ happen.  (Heck, they happen with adults!)  We know that and realize there may be an underlying reason.  Feel free to give us a heads up before practice so we can be on the lookout for potential pitfalls.  If a meltdown or near meltdown occurs, we expect Mom or Dad to remove the child from practice for a few minutes until they are settled down.  At that time, we want them to return to practice and finish with the group.


Questions?  juniors@thirdcoastvolleyball.com

Third Coast Info   play@thirdcoastvolleyball.com

  • Littles Training is NOT baby-sitting!!!  Practice is for kids who
    want to learn and try to play Beach Volleyball. 
    If you are looking for an activity where the main purpose is entertainment,
    this is not the program for you.  And that is OK!  We want to help your young child learn & develop the skills needed to properly
    play Beach Volleyball ~~ and we know how to do ju
    st that!

  • FRUSTRATION.  Some kids will not be able to or want to participate in every single thing, every minute of practice.
    That is OK.   No reason to stress.   Learning new things can be frustrating.  Almost everything Littles learn will be new to
    Think about that for a second.  There is a high probability all Littles will get frustrated at some point and some may even
    go through phases where they want to quit.  We understand it
    is important for us to make sure they do not get too frustrated
    or feel pressured to perform or improve. (That’s true at home too!)
  • If sitting and watching for a few minutes helps a Little recenter
    & refocus, that is great.  Helping young athletes learn to recognize that IT IS OK to take a few minutes to chill out
    and settle down
    when they start feeling ‘out of wack’
    (aka: frustrated),
    is a great skill to learn.  Sometimes pushing through is the opposite of what really needs to take place.
  • Every kiddo will not feel like they are getting better at every practice (even though they are in some way).  That is OK.  Simply
    being at practice & participating (or even watching), they
    WILL be improving, whether they know it or not!


  • HYDRATION.  From the very beginning, our Littles Coaches
    start instilling the importance of staying hydrated and how
    to do so, before, during and after practice.  Please make sure
    your child comes to practice with a full water bottle, even when it’s chilly.  We want them to learn that having a full water bottle is just as important for practice as wearing a bathinsuit or shorts!  No shorts, no water, no serving! (or something like that ;-))